Retired OnLine always seeks to act with the highest level of due diligence and never in a manner that violates an individual’s right to privacy. Retired OnLine is respectful of the right to privacy of users of this site and Retired OnLine assures users that any personal or identifiable information obtained from you through this Website is not sold or shared to outside companies or organizations. Retired OnLine will only provide your personal information to external bodies with your prior permission to enable Retired OnLine to respond accurately and efficiently to any enquiries and concerns you may have. Please be aware that if you choose to correspond with Retired OnLine through email, the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses may be retained by Retired OnLine. Retired OnLine will disclose your personal information as required by law and/or for Retired OnLine to comply with any court order, proceeding, or other legal processes that must be obeyed by Retired OnLine.


No warranty and no liability

Retired OnLine strives to provide accurate and current information on this Website, however, Retired OnLine makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this Website and disclaim any liability for the use of this Website or any Website linked to it. Retired OnLine does not accept any responsibility for any liability arising out of the use of and reliance on the content of this Website and any other Website linked to this site. Further, Retired OnLine does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this Website, and this Website is used at the user’s own risk. Retired OnLine is committed to maintaining a Website of a high standard and as such may change this site at any time without notice in order to ensure the Website is up to date.


The Website of “Retired OnLine Inc” (ROL) and the information contained and referenced therein are for informational purposes only. Any reproduction, retransmission, or other use is strictly prohibited without prior permission from Retired OnLine.